Field Day – EDUCATIONAL APIARY in Plainfield with member Beau Wright

Plainfield Township Office 22525 W Lockport Street, Plainfield, IL, United States

I am putting a variety of hives at this educational apiary. I will have 1 of my homemade 8 frame insulated langstroth hives, 1 Flowhive, 1 standard langstroth double nuc resource hive, and my homemade insulated 30 frame long lang( I call it my coffin) hive. I am planning on setting up a few hives with some packages. I am going to try to get some bees over there prior to the event (maybe this weekend depending on the weather). I am planning on trying to get the double nuc resource hive going prior to the event and maybe we can do an inspection on it. Also during the event I want to set up the other hives and install bees.

The area the hives are in is very low ground. FYI don't wear footwear you don't want to get muddy.

I also have the waiver that people must sign in order to participate. Also anyone who wants to participate must wear at least a veil.



Association Meeting 5-15-2024

Will County Farm Bureau Building 100 Manhattan Rd Joliet, IL 60433, Joliet, IL, United States

Come to our May Members meeting to hear local and national beekeeping news, see presentations on bee biology and hive management, engage in discussions with other bee-interested people, and share stories with mentors. All ages and experience levels welcome. Your first meeting requires no dues.

Association Meeting 6-19-2024

Will County Farm Bureau Building 100 Manhattan Rd Joliet, IL 60433, Joliet, IL, United States

Come to our June Members meeting to hear local and national beekeeping news, see presentations on bee biology and hive management, engage in discussions with other bee-interested people, and share stories with mentors. All ages and experience levels welcome. Your first meeting requires no dues.

ISBA Annual Summer Meeting, Effingham, Il

Crossroads Beekeepers Association will be hosting the ISBA Summer meeting at the Effingham Events Center. Two of the confirmed speakers are Greg Rogers, North Carolina Beekeeper and David Burns, Illinois Beekeeper  

Field Day hosted by Board Member Dennis Wisnosky

Dennis Wisnosky Apiary 26153 W Renwick Road, Plainfield, IL, United States

🐝 Please note that protective gear must be worn.

🐝 Waiver & Assumption of Risks Agreement form must be signed.

Field Day hosted by Member Felicia Akman

10350 Dawn Ave, Naperville, IL 60564 10350 Dawn Avenue, Naperville, IL, United States

WillBees Field Days: Summer Sunday, July 28, 2023 at 10 – 12pm Felicia Akman’s Apiary 10350 Dawn Ave, Naperville Our second Field Day event will help to set our hives in good order. We’ll talk about the summer dearth and what you should expect to see in your hive, mite treatments, pulling and adding supers [...]

Will County Fair

Will County Fair Ground 710 S. West Street, Peotone, IL, Illinois

Association Meeting 8-21-2024

Will County Farm Bureau Building 100 Manhattan Rd Joliet, IL 60433, Joliet, IL, United States

Come to our August Members meeting to hear local and national beekeeping news, see presentations on bee biology and hive management, engage in discussions with other bee-interested people, and share stories with mentors. All ages and experience levels welcome. Your first meeting requires no dues.

Field Day Wisnosky Apiary in Plainfield

2024 WillBees September 15th Field Days – bring the kids or grandkids. 3PM to 5PM for the official WillBees hive inspection and decision on winterizing. Then, we can have some fun. 26153 W Renwick Rd  Plainfield, IL WillBees Field Days are about learning how to manage our honeybees.  But on this Apiary, there is a [...]

Association Meeting 9-18-2024

Will County Farm Bureau Building 100 Manhattan Rd Joliet, IL 60433, Joliet, IL, United States

Come to our September Members meeting to hear local and national beekeeping news, see presentations on bee biology and hive management, engage in discussions with other bee-interested people, and share stories with mentors. All ages and experience levels welcome. Your first meeting requires no dues.