Welcome to WillBees
With our strong membership participation, and our exciting guest speakers, we cover a variety of seasonal relevant honeybee topics. Whether you’re a seasoned pro, new to beekeeping, or are just interested in learning about honeybees, we welcome you to join our honeybee family.
We believe the best beekeeper is the informed beekeeper. Therefore it is our mission to focus on education, and have fun while doing it, whether at our monthly meetings, field day events or any of the community events in your very own neighborhood.
Our meetings and special events include:
Seasonal management tips • Increasing crop yields with bees • Swarm control options
Splitting hives • Making honey • “The Golden Spoon” honey tasting competition
Sign up today to enjoy these membership perks:
- Engaging monthly meetings with guest speakers
- Access to a library of the latest beekeeping resources
- Seasonal field day events
- Free extractor and warming tank rental
- Member summer picnic
- Great raffles
Association Meetings 2024
Will County Farm Bureau
100 Manhattan Rd
Joliet, IL 60433